Food for Thought

Food for Thought - Printing BLACK

Another important factor in printing is to print BLACK perfectly. This has been taken as a challenge by industry experts for years to check the consitency of a printing machine.

On monitor, there is only one way to represent black. When there is no light coming from the monitor, the screen is black. :)

Black is BackIn print there are many different ways to represent black. The simplest is "plain black," or 100% black ink (0C, 0M, 0Y, 100K). However, you can also create a "rich black" by printing other inks along with black. There are many different possible ink combinations - the most common "rich black" contains percentages of all 4 inks: 63C, 52M, 51Y 100K.

This particular variant owes it's popularity to Adobe Photoshop - when an RGB file is converted to CMYK, areas that are absolute RGB black (R0, G0, B0) will wind up with this combination, unless certain default settings have been changed. Other possible flavors of "rich black" are "Cool Black" (60C, 0M, 0Y, 100K) and "Warm Black" (0C, 60M, 30C, 100K).

Black is back.

Food for Thought (Seeds to enrich your roots):


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